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Old 03-31-2015, 08:36 AM   #200
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Default Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year

Day 134: Asunder, Sweet And Other Distress by Godspeed You! Black Emperor

Current condition: Standing in the stall of a musty ass public bathroom, worrying about the money I owe to too many people, trying to get loans to pay off my debts, headphones stained with salad dressing, needing water but unable to leave the bathroom, and to top it all off studying for AP Biology of which I know absolutely nothing thanks to my super useless old hunchback of a teacher. So, onto the album.

This seems a lot less crescendo based than previous GY!BE albums, being more in the vein of straight up post-rock, and it's around half as long as their pre-breakup albums. I'm conflicted, because I can't say I thought the 80 minute run times were justified, but damn this album is just BORING. The first track sounds like the band is trying to skip the buildup and go straight to climax, but that just doesn't work. You may as well listen to Mogwai. I'm saying that and I don't even like Mogwai.

And actually that whole first paragraph was based on the crappy first song. The next two songs aren't even songs so much as buildup as Lambs' Breath is just clipped bass and ambient whereas Asunder, Sweet is feedback and ambient. The horrendously titled Piss Crowns Are Trebled is a satisfying climax. If this album combined the last 3 tracks it would consist of one awful 10 minute song and one satisfying half hour song, if too unfocused to be truly great.

Overall, this album was meh. Now I'm gonna continue freaking out about my debts.

Also olive oil in the hair is a horrible feeling.

Best Track: Doesn't really apply here
Rating: 6/10
The above post has a 50% chance of being useless. Potentially. Maybe.

BEST AAAs: WANDERLUST, Pandora, Necropotence, Mourning The Lost, Eradication, Feldschlacht

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