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Old 03-19-2015, 10:46 PM   #191
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Default Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year

Day 125: The Powers That B by Death Grips

Meme-y meme meme /mu/ me/mu/ /mu/me /mu/meme /mu/me-y /mu/.

Ever have a problem with a show where the theme song is so ridiculously gorgeous and amazing that you just keep repeating it and then you don't have time for the actual show? Yeah, it's taken 3 tries to finish the second episode of Twin Peaks for me.

I've put *****s On The Moon and Jenny Death back to back so I can listen to the entire album in one piece. Let's see how this goes. As I've stated many times before, I am not a Death Grips superfreak but I can dig a few of their cuts. No Love Deep Web is my favorite of their albums though I haven't listened to Exmilitary. Here we go while I do some homework... My life sucks, I'ma listen to some sad folk songs because prom talk got me down.

What sucks more than prom talk eavesdropping is the fact that I actually LIKE one song by Bright Eyes. Musical shame.

Up My Sleeves certainly SOUNDS like the start to a double album, or at least an album longer than 30 minutes. Whatever I mean by that I don't know.

This first disc seems pretty cohesive. Many of the songs flow into each other, and admittedly kinda blend into each other (partially due to the glitchy nature of the album). This isn't a rag on the album, just an observation.

*****s On The Moon was pretty decent, I liked the more bleep-bloop sound. Jenny Death sounds like the start of a new album, or rather I Break Mirrors With My Face In The United States does. And indeed, this is a much more rock disc, with guitars on several tracks. I can't honestly say which side I prefer. Jenny Death has some better cuts, but *****s On The Moon is a bit more consistent. It's actually not consistent at ALL, it just didn't feel drawn out the way Jenny does.

This album ended rather anti-climatically, with 3 minutes of breakbeats. Either way, not a bad 80 minutes, but a slightly tiresome 80 minutes and certainly overhyped. Still will return in the future.

/mu/mu/meme meme me/mu/ mu/me/ /mu/fantano

Best Track: On GP
Rating: 6/10 for both discs.
The above post has a 50% chance of being useless. Potentially. Maybe.

BEST AAAs: WANDERLUST, Pandora, Necropotence, Mourning The Lost, Eradication, Feldschlacht

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Last edited by rayword45; 03-19-2015 at 10:46 PM..
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