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Old 02-25-2015, 06:49 PM   #38
O Derby, Where Art Thou?
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Default Re: Song Difficulty Changelog

My personal thoughts that obviously don't mean anything but figured I would get them out there.
extratone pirates (drunk optimus) 92 => 91 - disagree because trills are impossible pce. jk the file is not bad if you're fast enough for it which I'm not so it's whatever.
serious shit 91 => 90 - disagree on a d1-low d7 basis. would agree if I was mid d7 or higher.
slashmaid 89 => 90 - indifferent
stinger 90 => 89 - strong agree
music (for kirby) 87 => 88 - disagree
firstaidvision 88 => 87 - disagree because it's kinda fast
grind2 88 => 87 - indifferent. I'm personally terrible at the file but everyone else is decent at it so whatever.
fanteucpx[zv 87 => 86 - kinda agree
our journey and epilogue 87 => 86 - on the fence
go beyond 86 => 85 - agree
zombie sunset 86 => 85 - on the fence
12 bar bloops 84 => 85 - strong agree. holy poop finally
storm raid battle 84 => 85 - strong disagree (in fact I would've been okay with this being bumped down)
white walls, part 1 84 => 85 - indifferent because haven't played the entire file
breakbeat acid 85 => 84 - disagree. the ending is literal aids
hero reconsidering 85 => 84 - already thought it was 84 so agree I guess
milky blue 85 => 84 - agree
a kidney stone 84 => 83 - agree
saddest rmx 84 => 83 - agree
blue rose 82 => 83 - agree
integraation 82 => 83 - agree
casino fire 83 => 82 - agree
mfdfy 83 => 82 - agree
cutthroat 81 => 82 - agree
holy orders 81 => 82 - agree
ehhen 82 => 81 - disagree because intro is impossible pce. jk kinda agree I guess
-+ 82 => 81 - disagree because the jumptrills are hard to time correctly imo.
unicron barbeque 80 => 81 - disagree. if we're doing difficulties on rolly sections/files, then compared to the only hard part of -+: this is loads easier.
steel monster 81 => 80 - strong agree (heck I could see this at 79)
E-RB 81 => 80 - personal disagree but objective agree
/mu/tant corecore 81 => 80 - personal disagree but objective agree
djentrap 79 => 80 - agree
honki 79 => 80 - agree
pants 79 => 80 - agree
pandemonium 79 => 80 - agree
to make the end of battle 79 => 80 - strong disagree (in fact I would've been okay with this being bumped down)
nomina 80 => 79 - agree
return to fire 80 => 79 - agree
first epidemic 80 => 79 - agree
ketsarku 80 => 79 - agree
choco 79 => 78 - agree
radical rat 78 => 79 - disagree
anti-ares 78 => 79 - agree
resistance 4 78 => 79 - agree
chaoz japan v2 78 => 77 - strong, strong disagree. ending is asldfkjalsjflsjdfljsdfljsdlfjlsdfjsdf
time to eye 77 => 78 - strong agree
aletheia 77 => 78 - agree
indo no sobaya 77 => 76 - personal strong disagree but objective on the fence.
chipscape 77 => 76 - agree
flesvelka 76 => 78 - strong disagree
into your eyes 76 => 77 - disagree
rarity 76 -> 75 - personal disagree but objective indifferent
distortion power 76 => 75 - agree

Last edited by tosh; 02-25-2015 at 07:04 PM..
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