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Old 02-13-2015, 12:07 AM   #54
behanjc & me are <3'ers
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Default Re: What is arrogance/humility, what is bragging, is it bad, and why?

By the way, deductive reasoning is not "a completely pointless circle jerk" because in order to interpret and understand a statement (that may require statistics and data to demonstrate) you need to use deductive reasoning to understand it. We do not in any way use "pure deductive reasoning", and since you think that, you clearly don't know what it really means. (But it doesn't matter anyways because that's not what we're doing)

If I say "Most ravens are black." you need to use deductive reasoning in order to understand what each of those words mean, and what they mean when put together, and THEN you can make a judgment as to whether or not it's true.

This isn't even a topic of statistics. This is a topic of psychology and sociology (or something I dunno, but it's definitely not statistics). Just because it involves the human perception does not make this issue necessarily statistical. Why would you even suggest statistics as the end all evidence required to demonstrate a concept that is not related to statistics? It doesn't make sense.
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Last edited by stargroup100; 02-13-2015 at 04:55 AM..
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