Thread: current trades
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Old 02-11-2015, 09:03 PM   #22
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Default Re: current trades

the only 1.0 positively correlated effect that multiple cryptocurrencies provide to the underlying(s) is liquidity to themselves. this relates to the fx currency analogy. we've even lived through the collapse of mutilple gov't-backed currencies into a centralized standard before: the euro. how many people do you think gained money by over-diversifying* ?

secondly, the analogy of pink sheet/OTC/penny stocks was to point out the most widely used scam in any market that doesn't have enough volume: the pump and dump^. the strategy is self-explanatory, but it still happens - even to this day. you think you know some news, or insider tid-bit, or you might fundamentally analyze (ROFL) that article A from and article B from and so on, have given you a market tip - an edge to something someone else doesn't know. ***** you just guessing a directional play (which is hopefully up). and once it dumps. and it's a massive, stinky log.

*yes there is such a thing as over-diversifying and being unable to keep track of your portfolio especially when beta-weighted against specific equities like production, food, metals, oil, etc. u have no idea how shit's gonna move because you don't know how each of your positions are correlated

^ search up SYNACOR or NQ MOBILE if u think i'm just fuccen crazy
Originally Posted by t-rogdor View Post
i finally got a weed hookup again and i texted the dude asking where to meet him tomorrow and the dude just said "out west"

out west?
the fuck kinda location is west?
am i buying weed off a gotdamn pirate

Originally Posted by lurker View Post
remind everyone that i am an outed racist neo-nazi who no one in their right mind should ever interact with in any way whatsoever
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