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Old 01-18-2015, 01:24 AM   #147
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Default Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year

Day 87: Time Heals All by ASC (Album Choice: WSCB)

Well, after yesterday's life-changing experience, anything goes today. Seriously, there is no way anything could be worse (or better) than Red Flame so I go into anything with fully open ears.

Looked this one up, it's ambient/drone music. It's late as hell, let's hope I don't fall asleep.

This album reminds me of Pop by Gas, which I pretentiously reviewed a few months ago and fell in love with immediately, probably because of the constant tape hiss noise. This album reminds me of Pop with less emphasis on percussion tracks, more of an emphasis on samples, and generally being not as good while being twice as long. And it's not like Pop was a concise album or anything, this album fills up 2 CDs... Seriously, 2 CDs? Was that at all necessary here? The first CD is warm and nostalgic, with some great cuts like If Only For A Minute and Snow In Summer and not too much filler for an hour. Honestly, if this first CD was the whole album, I'd be singing its praises right now. Then we reach CD2. CD2 is MUCH darker than CD1, sounding more like Thomas Koner than Wolfgang Voigt. It's also not nearly as good, with no really memorable melodies to be found anywhere. Frankly, this could be a mood thing, but if that's the case then the two halves don't make a cohesive whole at all.

Actually, I dunno, this one may end up being a grower. I'll return to it eventually. In the mean time, take that as my excuse for not writing a conclusion.

Best Track: If Only For A Minute
Rating: CD1 gets 7.5/10 and CD2 gets 4/10. Average that if you desire
The above post has a 50% chance of being useless. Potentially. Maybe.

BEST AAAs: WANDERLUST, Pandora, Necropotence, Mourning The Lost, Eradication, Feldschlacht

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