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Old 11-18-2014, 08:41 PM   #1
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Default Holy **** guys I'm back

Heeeyyy what's up. I know I havent posted in forever but Im so fucking wasted right now I dont even care. I turnd 21 last week and Im completely waste4d right now so I wanted to say whats yup to everyone(without using backspavce so thats why the seplelling is awful for else I would have fixzed it of course.)

I know I've been a dick on these forums vbefore, but I actually weant to get back into the game. so Im going to strat trying to get good again (and stop shitposting because I know I used to do that), and try to play well again and post scores like I used to(Cause holy shit man like i used to get D6 scores when I was only D4 good) but shit.

Guys I just wanted to let you know I love I most of you(Like 85% of you)

, and onece I get sober again Ill stop shit postiong, and actually get good enough to compete in tournaments and shit like that.(If sweariung for some reason is banned now go ahead and PM mer and il stop(maybe))

Anyways some new news about me, I turned 21(obvoiouslty), I have an awesome job with a company called Quiktrip, as a manager, I love my job and take mroe pride in it that probably like 90% of Americans. I own my own house, car is paid off, and I've been happily in a relationship with my girlfriend for the past 5ish years. Hope to get married sopmetime in the next year..

Anyways, I love all of you and hope to hear from you soon.!!!

Post how much you love me or hate me below, I dont really give a shit. LEGOOOOOOO
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