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Old 10-12-2014, 09:15 PM   #1
FFR Veteran
Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 585
Default NPS Graph Generator

Newest version (2.3.1):
*fixes a rounding bug that screwed NPS data on edge cases
*fixes issues with invalid filename characters
*handles lots of other corner cases (only one chord in whole file, multiple BPM changes at same spot, etc.)
*adds options to pop up, write to song folder or output directory. If output directory choice is checked but left blank, the program will automatically write to Desktop\nps. (tip: type "DESKTOP\whatever_folder" to write to a specified desktop folder -- makes things easier)

Older versions:
Version 1.1 is now up!

This was programmed out of boredom during the weekend. I've showed a preview to a couple of people with positive reception, and have made several design changes since then.

(nps = notes per second)

How to use:
1. Go here: (current version: 1.1)
2. Download and extract the .exe file
3. When application is run, enter a StepMania song folder. The folder should only contain one .sm file (if there are more, only one of the files will output)
4. NPS Graphs for all difficulties will appear (note: solo is not supported - yet)

Current Bugs
*(FIXED)certain files are not able to produce output; most files are, though
*(FIXED)color not scaling properly
*more bugs to be discovered!


Maid of Fire (Puritanical Penis Pack):

One More Lovely (Hard Songs Megapack 2):

Future Updates
*(DONE)have file start at first arrow
*(DONE)average NPS overall displayed
*(DONE)have whole application not close when one window is closed
*ability to change 'resolution' (currently at 1 seconds)
*support for negative BPMs (this will require some additions to how the note density data is generated)
*support for choice of difficulties
*support for 6 and 8-key

Thanks for the suggestions, everyone!

Last edited by ___________; 12-15-2014 at 09:44 PM..
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