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Old 10-9-2014, 03:38 AM   #8927
[Nobody liked that.]
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Default Re: Queue/Batch Discussion Thread v2 [Regular batch: OPEN]

Originally Posted by Silvuh View Post
Ohh my gosh, wow, I'm sorry, I don't know how I missed it! Yeah, you sent an e-mail to regularffrsubmissions on June 1st with Nightfall and They Kidnapped the Princess. Soon after getting access to the e-mail, I went through and labeled everything for the two latest batches, and I totally missed this one somehow, probably because the e-mail contained files that weren't in the batch, and I didn't stop to think, "Oh wait, maybe they should be!"

I'm going to start keeping a record of all the dates for when the e-mails are open for different things, and that should help in keeping things like this from happening.

However, I'm not seeing an e-mail with La Tristesse Durera Toujours in it; the next e-mail from you I see was sent on September 4th. If maybe you sent it to the wrong address or something, you can forward that sent e-mail to here. If it was originally sent during the right time period, I can let it be judged with this batch. But for now, I will make sure that your other two files get to the judges.

Sorry I still haven't posted ratings. When going through the notes for accepted files, I keep getting stuck on my own files, feeling like I need to make all the fixes then and there. It's been more difficult than usual this time, and I shouldn't have let myself get sidetracked like that. (Also, I've been working on a number of other things and need to get back to doing this, sorry.)
1. lol mistakes happen could be worse. Could have forgotten files from the hard songs batch. That would have sucked.

2. All of them should have been in the same e-mail. I try to send them all at once so I don't forget any (because I am VERY forgetful at times.) I don't however have the original e-mail(s) to show it and whatnot. I can resend it though as I don't mess with files in this folder once they're sent to avoid confusion come me checking them versus notes. But if you think that kinda feels like cheating the system or w/e that's perfectly fine since I can't prove it on my end. XD
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