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Old 09-2-2014, 09:48 AM   #717
behanjc & me are <3'ers
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Default Re: Keyboardsmash Phase I: Legacy Submissions Open

Originally Posted by James May View Post
Any word on that bufang?
Oh my god I'm so sorry I forgot to come back to this.

Will do this asap.

EDIT: Ham Jam review

Before I start reviewing I would like to remind that I don't know how the rolls translate to 3.95 so there's a chance that what I'm reviewing is quite different from what you intended to make.
m2 beat 3: If you wanna avoid the trilly chiptune riff that's fine, but I'm not exactly sure if this is the best way to go about it. Not terrible, but I just think it's a bit bland. This applies whenever this comes up again for the rest of the song.
m12 beat 3: The double here feels weird cause it lines up with the beat before, and the preceding beat is a kick and the double there is the hi-hat/snare thingy.
For large sections of the song some layering consistency could be improved. For example, it feels like there should be a double at m20 beat 2. m21 beat 4 why are there 2 doubles here?
Riffs like the one in m24 can be super-synced if you want. I don't know if it'll make it more fun necessarily but it might be worth trying at least.

This is just a personal suggestion. m20 beat 4 I'm not sure if I agree with this beat and the downbeat of m21. It leaves out the rich harmony and ornament in the synths, compensating with a triple to finish, which somehow implies a push into the downbeat. If anything, I personally feel like that downbeat pulls back. However, this is up to interpretation so if you feel strongly the way you have it you can leave it.

m27 beat 3: The chord synths, the ones on the next two blue notes, those not only don't fill out the full 8th note duration, but they also should be distinguished from the melody synth. By having them as full 8th note holds, it becomes very difficult to distinguish the two and it feels weird, as it seems to be legato, and yet the chords feel more like stabs. Generally, the rest of the chart should follow this guideline as well, but it is most evident here, which is why I chose this as the example.
m28 beat 4: You treated a similar riff earlier in the song differently.
m29 beat 2: The blue note at the end of the jack seems to be a different pitch and length as the previous two notes.
m42 beat 3: Jack feels out of place compared to the rest of the chart.
m44 beat 3: I would personally use the bassline here.

From m45 on it just feels like there's a lot of things I could say, but I'd mostly be repeating myself. And there's significantly more things going on too, so picking it apart would take me a lot of time. But if you understand the points I've already mentioned, then you should have a pretty good idea of how this last part should be like, so I'll let you work on that and if needed I'll give more comments on the next version.
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Last edited by stargroup100; 09-2-2014 at 10:59 AM..
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