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Old 08-27-2014, 11:18 PM   #83
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Default Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year

Day 43: Doppelganger by Curve (Album Choice: choof)

Shoegaze-dance music. With other album titles like Pubic Fruit and Chinese Burn. And some of the ugliest, cheapest album art ever. This'll be interesting.

49 days, and yesterday on some website some sick fuck was spamming Pokemon porn, which I thankfully did not see because all warnings pointed to "DON'T SCROLL DOWNWARDS". Who creates that shit and why? Don't answer that.

So anyways, the music, right. In spite of reading all the descriptions that pointed the other way, I was expecting something like Sleigh Bells. I don't care that much about Sleigh Bells, so the fact that they don't sound like them doesn't make me care at all. All these songs pretty much sound the same. Industrial-esque electronic drumbeats, layers of guitar noise that are not abrasive at all, and pop hooks in the form of some of the sexiest vocals I've heard these past 43 days. Or really, albums. This is like that Nine Inch Nails side project, minus the suck, plus hotness and a somewhat more legit goth sound (not that NIN is goth), plus some surprisingly subtle shoegaze-y guitar.

Overall, this album? I didn't like it as much as I would hope. They've got some good pop hooks and all, but the guitar needs MORE DISTORTION. I always thought that all the songs on Loveless sounded pretty much the same (despite also thinking that the album is extremely front-loaded) but it's excusable on the account of having some of the most drop dead gorgeous walls of guitar noise out there. The guitar noise here is like, a shitty sandcastle compared to the Great Wall of Loveless, with the same problem of same-y songs, and the I don't really care of using a drum machine instead of a real drummer (it makes it more danceable, but I'm pretty sure it'd be neutral either way).

They do win on the sex appeal factor though, which is surprising, considering how
A. I had previously thought Bilinda Butcher unmatched when it came to mesmerizing female vocals in noise rock (not that there's much competition. What, Kim Gordon?)
B. This is a band that made such juvenile jokes at the expense of rambutan. Insulting such a delicious fruit is something to be ashamed of.

Best Track: Horror Head
Rating: 5.5/10
The above post has a 50% chance of being useless. Potentially. Maybe.

BEST AAAs: WANDERLUST, Pandora, Necropotence, Mourning The Lost, Eradication, Feldschlacht

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