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Old 07-30-2014, 11:37 PM   #12
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Default Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year

^Already listened to Geogaddi many times. Personal choice for favorite BoC album, would give a strong 9/10.

Day 32: Yellow Submarine by The Beatles

This is The Beatles album with a reputation worse than any of their other albums, including their earlier garbage radio-pop albums. The title track is one of my least favorite songs ever and definitely the worst Beatles song ever personally. Worse than Revolution 9. Worse than Ob-La-Duh or any of the other low points of The White Album. Worse than Komm, Gib Mir Deine Hand I HATE THAT SONG EFFING SO MUCH. This isn't really much of a studio album since it's a soundtrack to a movie based off of one of my most hated songs ever, half of it is George Martin and his Orchestra, and of the 6 Beatles songs here a mere 4 were new at the time, but apparently it's considered part of their studio album canon, moreso than Magical Mystery Tour which is just an EP. Whatever. If I'm gonna have to listen to that dreadful song again, I'd like to get it done as soon as possible.

Day 20 of the pledge: Currently not caring.
Day 21 of the pledge: Still not caring
Day 22 of the pledge: Seriously still not caring.

Seriously... This song is horrible. It makes me feel physically ill. Had they omit that first song... Well that wouldn't make much sense even if it was already on Revolver since this is the soundtrack to the movie based on the song. But it would make me happy and my happiness is the only thing that matters on this entire planet. I never cared much for All You Need Is Love either. Now onto the new songs!

Only A Northern Song is pretty damn brilliant, with all the trippy atonal skronk over the hazy pop structures. It's All Too Much is also pretty awesome with a kickass intro... Actually, let me fix that, THIS SONG IS FUCKING AMAZING. This is like, proto-noise pop, or proto-shoegaze, or just current-awesome, who cares about genres? I do a bit too much but you get my drift. It's 6 and a half minutes of pure fuzzy bliss. As for someone who's never seen the movie to which this soundtrack/suspect album is based upon, Pepperland sounds like it's from a Nintendo game, which is good in my book.

And that concludes everything nice I have to say about this album.
All Together Now is moronic singalong bullshit in the vein of Yellow Submarine except not nearly as sickening. Hey Bulldog somehow gets reputation as the only good song on this album but I give literally zero shits about that song and I wonder if these people have a stigma against George because he contributed the only 2 good Beatles songs on this album. The orchestra isn't really offensive, but almost immediately after Pepperland interest starts to fade. By the end of Sea of Monsters things start to feel a bit grating, and then... Oh god why did the album end like THAT?! WHY?!

3 songs that I like, 2 songs which are basically the same song that cause me great emotional and/or physical pain, and 8 songs that range from awful to mediocre. See, normally that would be an immediate "THIS ALBUM SUCKS 2 STARS!!" except those George Harrison songs are REALLY, REALLY good. They almost nullify the nauseating effect caused by the title track.

I said almost. I think I've reached my conclusion.

Best Track: It's All Too Much
Rating: 3.5/10
The above post has a 50% chance of being useless. Potentially. Maybe.

BEST AAAs: WANDERLUST, Pandora, Necropotence, Mourning The Lost, Eradication, Feldschlacht

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And if you have not recommended any albums yet, do so. Please. I have a goal to reach. Here.
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