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Old 07-28-2014, 07:19 PM   #221
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Default Re: jTWG LXV: The Revenge of the Return of the Son of jTWG

Alright, here we go. This is only day 1 though so I fully expect these to change in the next day or so.

1) Cavernio - I won't count the interaction with Gun because that's not something I think is game-related. The one thing that strikes me as odd is your desire to end a phase earlier, although I do see the logic behind it and can't really fault you for it; just timing. You're a 2/5 on the scale for me.

2) LeftyRighty - I still don't really like what you've done; specifically, the lack of anything. All we've gotten from you is a "trust me, I'm not a wolf" which is the weakest play. You've done nothing to prove you're a human. You haven't done anything too wolfy either, and I don't know if you know how to be under the radar (UTR), but you still score a 3/5 from me. This can change easily though. Just contribute, dude.

3) idk some loser named Bridget (ohsosilly)* - For someone new to this game (and possibly this thread), you've got a decent grasp on it. I read Gun as fairly human, but I'd like to see more from YOU. I want to see how you play, and your own ideas with your granted role. 2/5 just because I feel like there's not enough from YOU, although I agree with most of your reads.

4) soramimi - I'm quite enjoying your play. You're vocal, not quick to jump into thing and are thinking hard about every action. Like Bridget said, I see that you're digging into people and their actions. Fairly solid 1/5 from you at the current moment.

5) RNGRX - As usual, you're an enigma. Your posts don't contain any substance and it's hard for me to grasp any read on you. 3/5.

6) The cutest one out of all of you (Prawn) - Like R, I don't see a lot of substance from you. As well, I do want to point out that no matter how stupid your thoughts or reads may be, they can still be valuable info for peoples' reads on you now and later. 3/5.

8) Carrotcake - Still not a fan of that vote of yours, even if it was in defense. That was a close call and for all we know, you could be out looking for a kill. Like R, Lefty, and Prawn, I would like to see more from you before I focus more on someone. 3.5/5

9) Yoshl - As a vet leader, I like the direction you've taken with the town, and you've made a ton of good moves. While Bridget thinks your quote is suspicious, I see it as perfectly logical and natural. Nothing about you really strikes me as being too odd, and your pressure is being applied in all the right places (obby). 1.5/5

I know I've got on the case of Prawn and R for not posting a lot, but I would like to hear first and foremost from the person with my vote: Carrotcake.
Where you at?
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