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Old 07-28-2014, 08:37 AM   #578
James May
FFR Player
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Default Re: Dark Chancellor Pack 2 (ITS HAPPENING.GIF) Submissions Open

Atropos (rparty)
*Oh hey Mr. Diavolo :V sync is off by a 48th btw go and fix that ;_;*
Heavy – Accept with fixes
Good file, just a few things to note on (using time signatures from your current offset) Also, I don’t think all those piano freezes are really needed at all…but that’s just me…
1.323 (And other instances of this): So you have each 8th jump have a freeze but not on the first jump on the song? If anything I would scrap those freezes since it’s really not warranted IMO.
1.817: This needs to be a jump. If you’re sticking to the consistency of the intro, it should be a [14] jump but I would vary the jumps a bit.
4.455: A [24] jump here.
5.773: [14] jump here to denote transition.
6.103: [12] jump.
6.433: Should be a freeze here that transitions to the one in 6.598
6.598: And this freeze should be on the [4]
7.092: Since you’re keeping the jump here, I would suggest making every piano jump a [23] once the drums kick in to emphasize the piano in the layering.
7.422: Roll freeze here.
7.587: Roll freeze here.
8.081 to 8.411: This is a prime example on why the piano freezes aren’t necessary. This here is supposed to be a 4321 roll (with mini-freezes optional to cascade the glitched sounds here)
8576: [13] jump here.
8.740: [24] jump here.
9.070: This note is supposed to be on [3], following the same beat that the 8th is in on 8.905
9.070: Same as 6.433
9.235: Same as 6.598
9.565: This is supposed to be on [3] since it’s the same beat as the 4th on 9.400
11.378: Jump here
11.790: Missing 16th on here
12.367 to 12.696: PR is reversed in here. Suppose to be a [1][2] trill with a jump on 12.696 for the kick.
13.109: Missing 16th here
13.356: Jump here
14.674: Jump here
16.323: Hand here.
16.653: Jump.
17.065: Jump.
Most of the issue here is missing jumps, I guess you could make another difficulty out of this and use it for the fixes that I’m suggesting. Most of all, I really don’t think the piano freezes are warranted, mostly because it just causes it to be “filler” for the file layering and just makes things herp-a-derp when trying to understand how the file flows. But it’s a good file nonetheless.

Amatias (Ghakimx)
Oni – Accepted
Good to go for me, but the freezes are still too long for the piano rolls ;_;

Catastrophie (XelNya)
Heavy – Pending
Definitely an improvement over the previous version but I’ll save this slot to pull up the qualms that I have for this file later.

Hakugin no Datenshi (Ghakimx)
Standard – Accept
0.306: Should be on [4]
23.112 to 24.184: I’m pretty sure that this is a [1][3] trill and note a 1-handed trill…
Other than that, there’s pretty much nothing too erroneous from my end but to be fair, it is a kind of weak S.S.H. song but I think with a few tweaks here and there will make the file better overall and worth being in the pack.

Magic [Part 1] (Porkypink)
*Sync is off by a 48th, fix that please. Also, props for making multiple diffs*
Oni – Accept
Nothing wrong here though for a moment I thought that the 16ths in the intro were ghosts and I thought for a second that I still had the old file lmfao.
Heavy – Accept
I actually like how this isn’t just an easier chart just for the sake of it being easy but it has its own identity as well as a chart. Nothing too erroneous but I don’t think that the minifreezes are needed here, maybe replace those with a mine?
Standard – Accept
It’s alright for an easier chart. Nothing is wrong with it. Good to go.
Light – Accept
It’s slightly weak for the easiest chart but I’m willing to pass it as it is.

Magic [Part 2] (GD)
Heavy – Accept
To be fair, in terms of the chart, I am leaning towards porky’s BUT since you guys decided that you would be handling this part and porky would be handling part 1 I don’t mind having that in this pack. Anyhow, nothing really too erroneous from what I can see.

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