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Old 07-12-2014, 11:43 PM   #263
TWG Ursula
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Default Re: TWG CXX: Villains United

Originally Posted by TWG Darla View Post
k so i'm on board for the Hans lynch. Specifically these posts irk me.

1: Trying to defend yourself while holding up your character to try and keep it almost lighthearted. Don't like it

2: Literally worthless post stating the obvious that the hero's will use stuff from today. What else are they going to do? Still refusing to put a vote or even that high a level of suspicion on anyone.

3: The above quote also kind of contradicts this one. The above one implies that we shouldn't be discussing this much (at least that's how I'm seeing that) and that's after he said this:

4: please


Also, leaning villain on Shan Yu, Auto, and Maleficent right now.

Other Hero suspicions include Ursula and Scar.
Yo don't make a big post and then make it as shitty as this one you'll waste people's time.

You gave one elaborate read and then five without any backing; like you're trying to slip them in or some shit. Also buried a top lynch target into the ground.
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