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Old 07-3-2014, 04:48 PM   #717
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Default Re: TWG CXVIII: But Who Are Ur Friends, Really???

Originally Posted by lurker View Post
with yoshl and vendetta i'm going after what i'm seeing as inconsistent play, especially the latter (yoshl seems to be going back to his d1 attitude now)
it's a type of poor play (and in fact i think every single post in this thread could be seen as "poor play" in some context so i'll stop using the term) but a more suspicious one
So there's some fairness on the inconsistency, but it matters on type of inconsistency. I don't think I've been inconsistent in my motivations for what I'm doing, but I do think I've been inconsistent in what information I consider relevant and take in. Consider for a second that there are 731 posts in this thread. The practice most of us engage in is we take one post that irks us and we corroborate it by going and reviewing backwards, or looking for more instances that confirm forwards. I'm okay with being inconsistent about the people I've engaged in that latter practice with. I've played a lot of TWG here, on FFYa, and on MafiaScum and I know most of this game is looking not for consistent patterns but the one big "Gotcha!" that will kill a wolf and then supporting that "Gotcha!" It's where I went with Manti's vote on xiz yesterday, it was, to me a "Gotcha!" but when Manti said this:

If this first paragraph is actually what V is thinking, and not posturing, I wouldn't be suprised if V was a wolf either.

V (if he's human) should know what i'm talking about. If he doesn't he's read less of this game then I have.
That comment sunk in deep after he flipped human. I really thought about the bolded part and what I was missing and failing to pay attention to (it's been 2.5 months since my last game and I've noticed I'm definitely not in the zone), so at the moment I'm conflicted about what instincts and methods of mine to trust and which not. And I'm pretty sure I'm going to deliver more inconsistency. You can interpret it as wolfy, or you can see it as the natural result of being on the ignorant side of an information asymmetry.

I've got some human reads that I'm pretty sure on, and I intend to try to defend those people if lynches start rolling on them, but at the moment I'm waiting for a move to happen and I don't want to start it (again.)
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