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Old 06-25-2014, 08:13 PM   #35
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Default Re: Meh, let's do it again, this time for a year

Ever have one of those days that starts great, almost becomes fantastic but then takes a sharp nosedive and at the end, you just wanna say "fuck it" and wallow in self-pity?

Yep, today's that day.

So instead of using like usual, I'm gonna cherry pick two albums today based on titles to hope that they'll improve my emotions because my usual dosage of Pink Moon, Tonight's The Night and Third/Sister Lovers is NOT providing me the usual catharsis I hope for.

Jesus I feel miserable.

Day 5: Fuck Your Emotional Bullshit by Snowing (Album Choice: ChikaraGuy)

Heh, yeah... Pink Moon really isn't working. So turns out this is an emo band... Is that a self-deprecating title then? And this is only an EP. Good, I'm not sure how much I can bear at a time.

So, compared to yesterd- I mean last album, this is much less post-rock in style, very garage band esque, with much more bearable vocals that are still idiosyncratic but don't seem to be deliberately offkey. "This is a song that will most likely bore you" yeah you're right about that.

For the most part, these guys are adequate at what they're doing, but I see nothing special about this. Another emo band. Also, it isn't cathartic at all. This doesn't make me feel better about the fact that High School sucks and now I know what I'm listening to when these reviews are over for the night.

Why is it that most emo is interchangeable? Apparently these guys are way better than every other emo band enough to become a /mu/ sensation but it sounds like every other emo band to me (Emo in terms of this style, it's not nearly as unbearable as the dumbass emo-screamo bands or the super sissy bands that the weird girls in your middle school class always wore shirts for).

Best Track: Not in the mood
Rating: 5/10

Day 6: Evisceration Plague by Cannibal Corpse (Album Choice: Sonicman68)

Let's go for the anger aspect instead.

Gotta be frank, the few songs I've heard from this band (mostly from Tomb of the Mutilated) I did not like, so I go into this cautiously. Unlike emo, I have no death metal bias, I loved what I heard of Decapitated and Death and enjoyed Amon Amarth but these guys seemed a bit... I dunno, sophomoric? Like Dethklok except these guys aren't cartoon characters. But we'll see how it goes.

So yeah, this is immediately different from the songs I've heard already from this band. The vocals are partially understandable, the riffs are more prominent, the drums have a bit more punch (but still play pretty much only blastbeats) and overall there seems to be a bit more energy.

And as different as it is, it still sounds pretty stupid. The more distinguishable riffs mean the guitar solos get to shine a little bit more, but the endlessly chugging riffs and endless blastbeats don't impress, and the post-surgery vocals get grating after a while. Hell, even the guitar solos are kinda boring. They're technically impressive, sure, but what good is a bunch of mindless sweeps if the main riff fails to captivate me?

A little tangent, but tell me, when you feel like you're being shit on for doing the right thing, what should you do? I see all these people smoking weed and having mindless sex, and I'm busy trying to do work to improve the school system as a damn kid, and I feel unsatisfied... Fuck my hormonal bullshit. But really, this is a pretty tough life at times. I have a really good job, try to be a good person, I've done some pretty big things, meeting with senators FFS, but I'm still unhappy. Jesus Christ I sound like a little bitch and I must stop. Save it for group. Boosh."

After listening, I decided to compare this album to death metal I like by listening to a song each from Death and Decapitated. I think the biggest difference between those two bands and this one is that those bands sound intelligent. This isn't so much "stupid" as it is "basic". The whole thing sounds like it's designed for mass appeal (or as much mass appeal as death metal can get), like if "bubblegum death metal" was a term this could very well be it. The differences between bands are so subtle yet so apparent to me. Maybe I'm just a pretentious prick.

Also, this album didn't provide any catharsis either... SHIT.

Best track: Nope, still not feeling it
Rating: 3.5/10

Yeah I think I'm just gonna watch some Venture Bros so I can feel the failure.
The above post has a 50% chance of being useless. Potentially. Maybe.

BEST AAAs: WANDERLUST, Pandora, Necropotence, Mourning The Lost, Eradication, Feldschlacht

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