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Old 07-21-2005, 12:10 PM   #109
FFR Player
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 19

Myself, I'm a guy... and I'm 17, so yeah, my hormones are out of control.

My view on the whole "girls playing DDR" subject is probably what alot of people out there think, but don't say... in fact, it applies to all players:
I am not the best, nor will I ever be; because of this, I am patient waiting for my turn, and encourage new players to do their best while showing them how to do some of the things that lesson mode doesn't teach, like crossovers or doubletap jumps. If someone is willing to listen to me, then I will teach them, and if they're not then I can hold my tongue and wait.
Generally, I don't get alot of the first type (the kinds that listen to experience) and find that the second type are usually, but not always, girls. Nothing agaisnt the female sex here, but the young women who come to my arcade (yes, I play on the ITG and DDR machines for free because I bought one for the owner) feel as though my advice will not help them and as a result struggle in my eyes.
Granted, they may be having fun doing so (they are usually laughing), but this only reinforces my point that I'm not the best, never will be, and don't know what every player is looking for, be it improvement, or just a good time.


After seeing me play, most people shut up, look dumbfounded / awestruck / dazed, and listen to the scarce advice that I have to give.
Oddly enough, the ones that listen to me after I play are also women... and seldom are men.

That's my opinion, take it for what it is...
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