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Old 06-3-2014, 10:02 PM   #72
missa in h-moll
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Default Re: The College Thread

it's great. being in the city (here being both "any city" and especially NYC) for college seemed like a no-brainer when I was applying--which isn't to say that I was closed to other options, but it was a huge plus--and it seems like even more of one now. it's just such a panoply of things to do both for fun and for research/studying; I can't stress how cool it is that I can learn about some Raphael painting in Art Humanities and then take the subway down to the Met and look at the goddamn painting in real life.

Columbia itself is really good--goooorgeous campus that I never get tired of, especially at night, lots of cool people and clubs, and my professors have been consistently great. The Core can feel a little arbitrary/constricting but overall i'm grateful for its having forced me to read the canon, something i'm not sure I could take on by myself. (and it's, like, pretty easy....i've had the shittiest work ethic EVER at times and at best it's been mediocre but i landed a 3.9 this year.) good stuff

Last edited by robertsona; 06-3-2014 at 10:04 PM..
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