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Old 05-23-2014, 06:42 PM   #1
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Default Recommend me some 2022 albums +1000th album halp


Okay I'm gonna do an album a day for a year. Or maybe not every day (the summer is the only free time I have). Let's try to total it to 365, so I can take a break every now and then and go on binges on days with lots of free time.

These reviews are gonna be mostly Christgau length, with maybe some of those corny haiku reviews that are so prominent on RYM.

Recommend away (like everyone else, limit 10 to the main list, some more for a backlist), I'll make a spreadsheet soon enough. I reserve the right to say "Fuck you, I'm not doing that" if I don't want to review something, though I really will try to avoid that (I'm not gonna do something like 05 Fuck Em or Metal Machine Music (for totally different but equally obvious reasons)


NOTE: I'm partial to these genres

-Psychedelic Rock
-Stoner Metal
-Doom Metal
-Experimental Rock
-Sludge Metal
-Indie Folk
-Psychedelic Folk
-Power Pop
-Baroque Pop
-Noise Rock

And don't really like most albums in these genres

-Post-Hardcore (The modern stuff, bands like Jesus Lizard and Big Black kick ass)
-Progressive Rock (There are more than a few exceptions though)
-Christian Rock/Metal (lmfao)
-Crunkcore (double lmfao)
-Pop Rap (Is this even a real term? According to RYM it is. To make it clearer, Kendrick and MF DOOM > Kanye West and Em)
-Bluegrass (triple lmfao why do I have to list this?)
-K/J-Pop (uhhhhh)
-Trap Rap (well, for listening only that is. I, for one, love to shout "AT THE TOP IT'S JUST US, *****!" with everyone else in the room even if the song sucks)

2018 edit: WOW those genres are outdated... well... not that bad actually. For comparison.

-Psychedelic Rock
-Stoner Metal
-Experimental Rock
-Sludge Metal
-Indie Folk
-Noise Rock
-Ambient Techno
-Alternative/Experimental Hip-Hop
-Older house and techno
-Some pop subgenres can hit hard

-Post-Hardcore (The modern stuff, bands like Jesus Lizard and Big Black kick ass)
-Progressive Rock (There are more than a few exceptions though)
-Christian Rock/Metal (lmfao)
-Crunkcore (double lmfao)
-Bluegrass (triple lmfao why do I have to list this?)
-Country pop (I'm basing this off of TSwift and some terrible radio shit I had to listen to with some white friends, mostly TSwift)
-K/J-Pop (uhhhhh)
-Most meme music
-Smashing Pumpkins

actually not that different lol
The above post has a 50% chance of being useless. Potentially. Maybe.

BEST AAAs: WANDERLUST, Pandora, Necropotence, Mourning The Lost, Eradication, Feldschlacht

Hey, we need some users on this site. Please join.

And if you have not recommended any albums yet, do so. Please. I have a goal to reach. Here.

Last edited by rayword45; 02-22-2018 at 02:15 AM..
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