Thread: Hearthstone
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Old 04-10-2014, 11:21 AM   #203
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Default Re: Hearthstone

Zoo isn't a rush deck; it is an aggro deck yes, but it is quite arguably the best deck right now because you have to know how to manipulate the board with the adjacent-buff tests the entirety of the deck provides, along with tempo control, and balancing between board control and aggression. If you want full out aggression that's brain dead, yes go huntard, yes go murlock rush.

Before analyzing your deck Bynary you should know that the type of druid you're creating requires a shitload of good cards otherwise it's not going to get you anywhere after midgame, because everyone elses deck is much better crafted for lategame. Your deck NEEDS FoN+SR in order to successfully pull off this control+card draw build you're creating and shutting down opponents before they get their late game rag/ysera combos; FoNSR is the cheapest combo you could make to pull that off, so i'm going to critique the deck for that build.

Bynary, your deck list is like a mix between +spelldmg and floodboarding and board control. Pick one, or maybe two, but honestly your deck has too much going on.

what are you using argent squire for? you don't need that in there unless you have some sort of divine shield fetish, though it is great as early early control, it is essentially useless in your deck since that's not what you're wanting to pull out early. you're better off with harvest golem for more utility.

faerie dragon is a great 2 drop 3/2 but honestly there isn't many opponents out there that use target based cards now, except for another druid. faerie dragon was good when mages were running around, but honestly you're better off with another watcher, another owl, or another PotW. PotW is your best bet imo sinceit's a spell card that can create it's own 3/2 panth anyway, or buff your minions assuming you get what you want (ancient watcher/sunfury).

sunfury protector is an ok card esp if you can get the taunt off on a watcher, but if you can't then you're left with a 2/3 2 drop that sucks. you should sub this with MotW x2

Knife juggler is useless (like u said( in your deck you have no early drops other than argent squire. You're wanting to use the AWatch+Owl or AWatch+sunfury combo but you want that set up IMMEDIATELY, instead of waiting for + 1 extra dmg. I think you have too much card draw with the acolyte, it's essentially useless in this deck since it provides nothing on it's own as a 3 mana 1/3, and you already have card draw with gadget (or nourish), wrath, and azure drake. get another sunfury protector imo

AoP i tihnk sucks in this deck but if you really want the card draw you should be consistent and have more than one AoP. imo take it out and put in Savage Roar

Yeti is great.

DoArgus is great, but honestly I think it's too much in this deck only because your'e a druid and you already have bear form and keeper in this deck as your forms of control. it's still a great card though, so it's up to you whether or not you can find a suitable replacement

violet teacher ..i don't really know what to say because it has a lot of potential assuming you can hold off on using wrath and swipe, but that's only IF you already have an innervate in your hand. a turn 2 violet teacher can be devastating, but also you already used 1 spell card that you could've gotten a minion from. also, i think 3/5 is kind of weak for a 4 mana card, i would replace this with a sen'jin if you want a 3/5 4 mana with guaranteed utility.

actually no thinking about it again violet teacher sucks in this deck.

starfall is a great control card.

you definitely should put in another azure drake.

ugh gadgetzan is horrible in this deck imo because it's so weak and your spells are either expensive or have already been used up by turn 5. replace this with FoN, or Nourish.

get another starfire in.

stormwind champion is great. i don't know if you should have it in this deck, beucause your minions aren't guaranteed to be on the board once your opponent realizes you're control and will be doing their best to keep your board clear. imo replace it with ancient of lore (make it 2 ancient of lore's)

ironbark is good, but you already mentioned you have ancient of war so i think that suffices in your late-game defense or offense. subbing iron bark for rag is great, imo your deck definitely has enough control to protect it, but you should definitely get a wild growth in (or two) to make sure you can get to late game with enough health and cards to secure the victory. ysera is the next card you need after that.

...i personally don't like FoN+SR, because it's the same as hunter in that you're waiting for the other card the entire game in order to win. regardless of that fact, your deck still has a shitload of useless cards it doesn't need. i honestly also don't like watcher+whatever combo because again, useless cards by themselves, but if you combo it then it's good...only if you combo it. i don't run them personally, but they -can- be good in order to cheese your opponent. for now i think you should use watcher+sunfury/argus/silence combo for frugal reasons otherwise you should move from it. same with FoNSR. here's my decklists, they're cookie cutter. dreadmaker is the creator of ramp and firebat created control, but i subbed acidic swamp ooze for loothorder in my version. because fucking hunters. my favorite is control.

Originally Posted by t-rogdor View Post
i finally got a weed hookup again and i texted the dude asking where to meet him tomorrow and the dude just said "out west"

out west?
the fuck kinda location is west?
am i buying weed off a gotdamn pirate

Originally Posted by lurker View Post
remind everyone that i am an outed racist neo-nazi who no one in their right mind should ever interact with in any way whatsoever
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