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Old 04-3-2014, 10:40 PM   #29
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Default Re: Stepping Stones of Stepmania released!

more fieesslllsss

Forbidden Tracks - played this already, it's good but probably geared more towards intermediate players than beginners

Galactic Encounter - to be honest, I did not get the ending of the Challenge chart at all. those jacks are hell on the hands. Heavy was better if a bit generic - the song's fault, really, since you did an okay job with what was there. I am very glad you made all five charts for this file, but a little polishing would have gone a long way with this one.

Ganryu - short but amazingly fun and unique, superb

Hajimari No Resolution - short but pretty sweet, a lot more dynamic than I was expecting. good rhythms throughout, good patterns (even if you didn't follow PR - that's really more of a technical nitpick since this still flowed quite well for the most part.

Horizon Variations - HOLY FUCK I HEARD THE SAMPLE MUSIC ABOUT TEN TIMES but I just realized this is the same melody in goreshit's o'er the flood HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT. also very good file

I Don't Care (Reggae Mix) -

ps Heavy's a lot harder than Standard

Kirlian Voyager - see Forbidden Tracks. I should also mention that I attempted to step this once when I was a wee 13-year-old. I'm glad somebody finally succeeded.

Lion Skin - that color note motif whenever the rhythms switch up is so so cool, very colorful and creative. one note: when crafting beginner files, make sure to give the players a little space to breathe with your patterns. try not to force consecutive 16th jacks when there are jumps, and careful with your mine placement! otherwise, this is cool and fun.

Melody Circus - fun file, lots of variation throughout. a couple of aesthetic things bothered me: a few freezes could have been shorter considering the overall mood of the file (light, playful), a few times you had bursts that felt a bit abrupt and would have flowed more smoothly with different patterns (perhaps a bit of jack theory would have worked nicely here), and there were a few notes that came right after freezes. I guess overall, pattern planning is key! but I'm being pedantic, this was a very fun file.
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