Thread: [Concluded] Xiz's Not FFR Tournament
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Old 03-26-2014, 11:47 AM   #636
Tim Allen
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Default Re: Xiz's Not FFR Tournament

You guys have a silly way of doing competitions. Why do I say this? Well...

1) Due to the format, the winners - invariably - will be those who have no life outside of the internet. Yes, the phenomenon known as "real life" does indeed exist, and is quite common, actually. (Also the people with faster internet connections have an advantage.)
2) There is no pacing to the competition. That leads to five-second-frenzies like this thing.
3) If you're worried about people loading save games, then use games that don't have save-based scores, such as some kind of arcade mode, or the whole game itself if it lends itself to that. Don't tell me you can't find any. If you couldn't, then Kong's tourney sector would be dead.

Basically, what I'm saying is that the whole thing's kind of skewed toward a particular player type. I mean, I guess that, considering where this forum is, being able to stay at your computer for hours and hours on end is an expectancy, so maybe this works out better for you guys. (After all, I can't imagine many of you take breaks while practicing for an AAA.)

...Eh, I don't have a solid ending point here. So I'll just paste a TTGL quote that has nothing to do with this. Y'know, in addition to the quote wall that is my sig. :P

"If you're gonna dig, dig to the heavens. No matter what's in my way, I won't stop! Once I've dug through - it means that I've won!" - Simon, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
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