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Old 02-2-2014, 11:54 AM   #1
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Default Re: My depersonalization over the last year

Originally Posted by XXXsmittyXXX View Post
I'm just going to be completely drug free right now i heard kratom can become addicting in itself. I used to see empty kratom packages all over the bonsai parking lot as well as empty Co2 cartridges.

Haha when i got my tonsils removed i had like 5 refill scripts for liquid opiates. Some sort of codeine. Was a bitch to kick but nowhere near what i still feel from herbal incense. I still smoke cigarettes now but it's like the desire has just left i don't even want to smoke much anymore i just want to smoke spice.

And an overall update, Yeah i still just want to smoke synthetics i think about it all the time. Last night was fun though i bought some lego ninjago sets for kid and he was so happy lol that made me feel good and his mom was like "that's the nicest thing anyone else has ever done for him in so long" and she cried a bit. He's so smart they are already assembled.. like wtf. :'P I feel like i want to abuse more when i'm alone i hope that goes away because i can't always be with people.
Still sober and eating a sausage biscuit. Lets go broncos lets go!
Good to hear about the lego set, kids fucking love those (I know I did, was the best thing ever). The mental part of the battle is in your hands, and I think you can do a good job at confronting temptation and giving it a big cold shove.

ps: headshop kratom likely has synthetic drugs or at least a super high extract of the main alkaloids, and is generally shit quality; judging on the fact that you see those cartridges laying around (those are nitrous cartridges) it's kids/teenagers getting a legal buzz with whatever means they can. That is really sad to see actually. Butye, I'm definitely with you on the drug-free end of thing. Before you do anything that has psychoactive properties just take a moment to reflect and imagine the consequences of doing so later on.

The withdrawl seems rough, I think there's definitely some residual depersonalization that will remain there until you are really at your peak performance. The dissociated phase is grounds for symptoms of many other things (mood swings, irrational anxieties, twisted perceptions), like I've mentioned before, if you disconnect yourself from those, and pretend it's almost like your mind is watching a movie, it shouldn't be too hard to remember it's an effect that is not you, yourself doing.

A lot of people act on irrational compulsions because they cannot tell themselves that it is not them who wishes to do x and x, but they tend to give a description of a more schizophrenic outline (despite whether or not it is. They might be a very strongly faithed person and think it is a God who is generating the irrational thoughts).

Anyhow no need for me to ramble about that too much because your head seems to be good and well, but practising sorting through the bad thoughts and trying to get rid of them is always good, and/or reshaping them into positive ones.

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