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Old 01-28-2014, 04:58 PM   #733
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Default Re: League of Legends [v2]

Originally Posted by PriestREA View Post
These two were actually extremely relevant to me. I have had an issue with picking Kassadin whenever he's open. Am I good at Kassadin? No, definitely not. I do have comfort champs, but I think more of my problem can stem out from lack of experience. I can play three roles and have a list of champions I'm comfortable with but I can not play Jungle or Top lane. Usually when I get these lanes I get destroyed hard because I'm not at par with other Silver top/jungle players.

I have a problem of playing to improve ELO in every game. Starcraft was always about the promotion, CS was about the promotion and League is about getting promoted. I guess I really do lose track of the real reason behind ranked queue.

I feel like a problem I might also have is assuming I can get good quickly at league because it happened in one or two other games - I have to eliminate the superiority complex and start from the basics.

Some people have recommended playing roles you suck at in ranked because its likely your opponent is trying to the best of their ability. Do you recommend playing jungle/top lane in ranked or should I practice in normals?
If you can play 3 roles comfortably, then heck stick to those. No need to force yourself into uncomfortable territory in ranked. And yeah the superiority complex is a problem like prolly 95% of the league population faces. A bunch of people are unable to admit their own mistakes and are too proud to learn from others. Remember that there is always gonna be someone out there who is better than you. Treat losing as a learning experience, figure out why you lost vs certain people/teamcomp matchups. You don't learn anything from stomping people. Understanding matchups and team comps is critical once you climb the ladder to a certain point, and all of that knowledge comes from experience. I could tell you on a case by case basis what does well vs well, but that won't help you any. You've gotta see it with your own eyes and understand the reasoning on your own, and learn to cover team weakness, capitalize on team strengths etc.
At the end of the day if you really wanna get good at this game, and you put in the honest time and effort, you will.
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