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Old 01-28-2014, 12:49 AM   #225
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Default Re: Renard Queenston is a sex offender

"They" being plural but talking about a singular person makes 100% of this thread completely fucking impossible to read
Say what you want about gender pronouns (I'm all for using whatever word suits your identity best) but holy fuck at least obey the basic rules of grammar, talking about only 1 thing = don't use plural, pick a word that makes sense please.

Also to me this sounds like a bunch of idiots with confused sexuality that felt each other up, and rather than being mature about the regret that inevitably can come with that, everyone is just being cryptic and angst-y. This is fueled by the anonymity the internet offers, not to mention the massive fanbase of people who eat up every scrap of news like it actually matters to them.
Probably going to ruin at least one person's life with slinging around labels like "sex offender" when in reality it could have been handled so much more maturely.

Honestly, after working on a college Academic Standings board, I've seen both sides of the coin... and honestly usually both sides are total overreacting idiots, so eh, this is what happens. (fyi 99% of the time, unless you can conclusively prove someone was drunk/etc at the time, it winds up only going on the guy's record. male privilege?)
Men should just accept that, unless you have proof, if you touch a woman you don't know extremely well, you run the risk of being called a rapist and having your life ruined. Welcome to the real world where the law holds firm and the truth doesn't matter.

Last edited by hi19hi19; 01-28-2014 at 12:55 AM..
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