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Old 01-26-2014, 08:07 PM   #51
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Default Re: My depersonalization over the last year

Originally Posted by popsicle_3000 View Post
Doing a literature search on nootropics, there isn't any evidence for their benefit for the things you describe. In fact, most of the research looked for benefits in the context of Alzheimers. These were mid '90s and '00s studies that didn't show any significant benefit.

For bipolar, depersonalization and attention span, there already are quite effective meds available treat those things.
You don't think that memory is related at all though? From a self observational standpoint, a lot of my bipolar triggers have to do with not noticing or not paying attention to what my thoughts are manifesting in, or having trains of thought break off like ice would from an arctic shore. Once a mood swing has begun, I can't remember or think about anything that ISN'T isolated in the state of the mood.

While on noopept, once a mood swing begins, I still have a threshold for grounding myself. A similar experience happens with depersonalization, which is typically an all-consuming part of my mood swings that persists. Call it placebo or what you like, but there is a difference where faith is not a factor in perpetuating the therapeutic benefits.

There's a lot of study done on mice, and yes it's just mice, but it's already shown promise with alzheimers patients with mechanisms consistent with that in the animal models, it's not out of the ballpark to guess that some of the other benefits of the drug are also taking effect.

A lot of anecdotal reports, not empirical evidence, and it's unfortunate that more research hasn't been done as of yet. But I feel like there's potential, they undeniably have a neurological benefit. Whether or not that is shown in the character of a person is another deal. But I stand by saying you have nothing to lose by trying it, it's cheap and at LEAST it's got laboratory study to back up it's action unlike alternative medicines lol.

In short, I think (<-- yes, anecdotal) memory plays a role in the disorders I've addressed it to be beneficial for, maybe indirectly, maybe more directly. The mind during the disorder experiences memory impairment that prolongs a lot of the negative symptoms/makes them seem so prolonged. If your memory is impaired, your mental organization may be poor, you may be cycling yourself deeper without knowing it.

Originally Posted by XXXsmittyXXX View Post
Hello just an update. Haven't eaten so well today and i don't think i will for a while. at this point in time i just wish an instant solution was available to everything i am feeling right now. I feel like if i didn't have overwhelming support coming out of everythings butthole i would give up.... why does this have to happen to me

And i feel like i had a weird shaking episode in the shower earlier maybe some sort of seizure or a panic attack because my throat just wont swallow and it feels like its tightening. Hard to gather thoughts. I want to abuse but i won't because the willpower is too strong.
I would try to push away the idea of a seizure from your mind because it's just going to create more anxiety for you. It's very likely a symptom of anxiety, as with everything you're feeling in general. It's hard to adapt to how your body feels in a withdrawl, perhaps just because you become so used to thinking in a high frame of mind that now there's too much on your plate (and you're not hungry).

If I were a doctor you would be on mirtazapine or something of the sort until your symptoms of anxiety go away, it would be good to use for now because it's also an appetite stimulant. If nothing feels appetizing, try your best to picture your food as nutrition to bandage your body with (and don't automatically retort with "well I feel like shit, I kind of want to"-- you don't), eat fruit and veggies, things that won't sit in your stomach and feel heavy, things you don't necessarily need to be hungry to eat, but are healthy at this point.

Last edited by Spenner; 01-26-2014 at 08:19 PM..
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