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Old 01-8-2014, 12:04 PM   #1
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Default What do you think is wrong with you?

What aspects of your mind/body do you highly suspect has issues? Attention span, motivation, incoherent thoughts, uncoordinated/dyslexic physically and mentally, etc.? If you don't feel comfortable disclosing then obviously don't post but for those who do... just curious~ not looking to hear about things you have a diagnosis for necessarily but things you just feel are wrong, in your opinion, despite whether or not other people might agree.

For me:

-Attention span, which has gotten steadily worse. Even in this sentence I forgot the tense and context of the sentence and typed "worst" instead of "worse". Pretty bad.
-ability to speak the words formed in my mind (either it comes out scrambled a lot, words are totally replaced, or I just improvise what I see as a "topic" I'm speaking about).
-being able to read and speak simultaneously (almost impossible to do flawlessly).
-hearing sounds visually instead of representative of true sounds which makes it hard to distinguish speech and sounds in general unless intently focused on.
-Sometimes my mind just draws a total blank, and I can't continue what I'm doing.
-Being totally lost in thought/disconnected with the world.
-Waves of intense existential anxiety.
-High blood pressure and tachycardia.
-Imagined music/music stuck in my head defines my emotions a lot of the time.
-Mood swings that radically alter my perception of the world and myself which is a fuckload of irrational thoughts and feelings (very frustrating, when people are trying to help me out, nothing they do can be taken positively-- if someone says "It's okay, it'll be over soon" the first thing in my mind will be "Until next time, and the time after that, it'll be like it never went away in the first place, I don't even remember what happens when this is "over", or what my mind was like". The triggers from these mood swings can be very minor, as much as being told "No, that doesn't make sense" just because I didn't explain something right at first.
-I'm bad at pooping. I'm typing this on the toilet to take my mind off the fruitless efforts of mine to relieve my intestinal cramps.
-Insomnia/sleep paralysis/hypnogogic lockdown/REM latency/anxiety during the onset of sleep and feeling like my soul is being dissolved in acid as I get closer to being asleep.

I'll cut myself off there jeez what a bad thread idea for me to reflect on 8_8 be warned.

Last edited by Spenner; 01-8-2014 at 12:59 PM..
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