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Old 01-1-2014, 09:45 PM   #241
The Dominator
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Default Re: FFRMania Engine: 1500+ songs and counting!

Originally Posted by NoPrivacy View Post
The engine has until the end of the month before the site goes down. If someone else wants to pay for it, cool. I also did quite a fair majority of the uploading, not to mention manually going through and adding step authors.

1) Yeah, I'm over-reacting. I'm also incredibly stressed right now. My meds have completely fucked with me for a start, and to top it off - New years eve was terrible. "Tarrik, Your dad has cancer."

2) The majority of the time i've come into this thread, someones bitched about something.

3) The fact that someone also went on my account and called me an "emo ******" just goes to show how much no one could even give a fuck about me.

4. I'm no longer a part of this community.

1) Sorry to hear about your news; wish you all the best with that, really.

2) You'd be preaching to the choir since a lot of people here have run events/projects etc. and it's just something that comes with running a service for people. That being said you DO have every right to pull the plug so I respect that decision even though it might seem hasty.

3) You gave out your pw...what did you expect? Of course people are going to be immature, but to actually take these things to heart is being over-sensitive. I get that you're stressed but please try to put the situation into perspective.

4) If you do leave, take care of yourself. I personally find it an immature and rash thing to react this way but do as you like.
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