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Old 12-3-2013, 04:22 PM   #161
sunshine and rainbows
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Default Re: My older step-cousin just got sentenced

The reason to not keep it would be out of respect for the child or murder victim. If you were abused you wouldn't want people watching it for either educational reasons or to get off on.

pseudo enigma, it's called snuff, yes it exists. I would think that the people who create it aren't in it for the money, even if they would make a tidy profit off of it. Much like I'm sure why most pedophilic videos are made. Would it matter for the people in question whether or not they can turn it into an enterprise? They obviously do it for their own pleasure anyways. Like the idea of having realistic virtual pedophilia, it's possible that spreading actual child porn around prevents actual incidents, so maybe cracking down on people like this cousin has fueled MORE incidents of sexually abused children.

I honestly don't know how much therapy would help people who act upon their pedophilia. Altering one's sexual tastes has been tried many times with homosexuals without much success, asaik. One could give drugs to suppress the perpetrator's sex drive, (or be like what my mom suggests for repeat sex offenders, castration). Alternatively one could ignore the sex drive completely and try to hammer in some basic morals, just don't do it no matter how good it feels, but even if that were to work we'd end up with people like this step-cousin who just collects the stuff. Which is apparently enough for a 10 year sentence.
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