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Old 11-17-2013, 01:04 PM   #359
FFR Player
Join Date: Nov 2013
Posts: 18
Default Re: How to get better at FFR

I feel like I'm reaching my skill limit already, and I'm only playing at about 35-55 difficulty. Can anyone give any tips?

I use a spread setup - SD KL, although I used to play AS, Down, Right but that shouldn't matter because I'm accustomed to SDKL now.

One of the big problems I have is that my fingers simply don't go fast enough - as an extreme example, I tried "Flight of the Bumblebee" and even though most of the sequences were simple enough that my brain could keep up, I just couldn't mash the keys fast enough to keep up with the arrows.

In most songs at the moment, this isn't such an issue because they're not so fast, but any amount of conscious effort I have to put into pressing the notes fast enough is wasted brain-power that could be spent concentrating on getting the sequences right.

The other issue I have is that there is just such a large selection of songs, I'm kind of overwhelmed. I want to try them all, but that means I never get very good at each individual song. IMO, I have performed a song well enough when I've hit about 90% of the notes, regardless of perfect, good, or average, but since there's such a large selection, I'm getting bored of one song before I've even hit 60% of the notes...

So, if I was going to focus on a song to learn, should I pick one that is in the lower or upper end of my difficulty range? If it's too low, I learn it quickly but I don't feel as though I'm improving. If it's too high, I might just get daunted and put off... Should I try to learn really hard songs by using the rate modifier, even though it won't give me score/credits if I slow the song down?

That's pretty much the core of my problem - as long as I can keep recognizing that I'm getting better, I'm motivated to keep getting better. But if I start feeling like I'm just as good at the songs as I was a few weeks ago, it's a bit demotivating.
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