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Old 10-26-2013, 01:23 AM   #9819
lol happy
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Default Re: League of Legends

I like support because it makes me happy when I get a passive AD carry and with pings and gentle encouragement I manage to get them to go for plays and get fed

I also like support because when I get an ADC who matches my style and we just go off together, it's more fun to win lane with someone else


Been playing more jungle recently, I really like Renekton. He's just a totally average jungler. Slightly above average clear speed, average ganks, average midgame presence, slightly below average dueling ability, average objective control, decent mobility... he's not top tier at anything which is why he's not played competitively (also because he's so strong top) but he's just really fun for solo queue. Also he doesn't require your mechanics to be that good which is why I like him over other fun but difficult junglers like Lee >_>

Last edited by hi19hi19; 10-26-2013 at 01:29 AM..
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