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Old 10-25-2013, 09:57 PM   #9807
Pseudo Enigma
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Default Re: League of Legends

Originally Posted by Winrar View Post
Screw warming up, just replace normals with ranked. it's the end of the season, you won't get higher if you don't play.
but you will fuck up your LP gain.

How about this, don't play for a while as soon as you lose. Come back after you warm up, sleep, eat, etc. If you play a lot and then get a bunch of wins, but suddenly get a loss, chances are if you stop there you will prevent yourself from getting discouraged and feeding a losing streak.

Also, as a support (who has never played ranked and should probably not be giving advice) as soon as bot has lost a tower is when I usually start to roam and give vision to the map. Make sure you're always carrying a pink. Also even if you have made a sightstone it is usually a good idea to carry a couple extra greens for that extra sight.

Sightstone places 2 (red sightstone 3) temporary wards, temporary as in if you place any more wards using the sightstone they destroy the oldest ward placed by the sightstone. However, it doesn't destroy any wards placed with ward stacks. Use this to establish hotspots for your wards. EG. Enemy red would be a good example, put a green/pink ward there and then use your sightstone to ward river/dragon, bushes you aren't sure of etc. Use your stacks to make (mostly) permanent wards, and use your stone to prevent face checking bushes.

I'm pretty sure you knew this, but from the sounds of it you aren't warding very well.

Again I'm not even LV30 so I shouldn't be giving tips, so take my opinion with a grain of salt.

edit: also, go get a couple new support champs. My favourites are Nami, Lux, and Zyra.

As well as that, try cleaning your environment before you play of excess noise, light, and rubbish. If you are being interrupted while playing you aren't going to be giving it your all.

Last edited by Pseudo Enigma; 10-25-2013 at 10:07 PM..
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