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Old 10-23-2013, 07:44 AM   #29
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Default Re: Winter Wind Etude

I don't think he's trying to improve his piano skills (let alone finger dexterity) by playing Winter Wind Etude lol, he's playing the file just because he enjoys listening to it. As much as I discourage mashing and all I don't see a problem with a new player just playing a file to a song that they really enjoy, although they're nowhere near the skill to play it. It's just that the player wouldn't enjoy the file fully because they're not able to hit the patterns properly, but since they just like the song and not care about the score I don't see a reason why mashing shouldn't be allowed. He's playing casually. Nothing wrong with that. He could be playing files that's more geared towards his skill level, but it's his choice to play whatever he wants anyway.

qqwref's posts are uncalled for (or at least, way too blunt), there's nothing wrong with mashing when you're playing casually. They do what they want. If they don't wish to improve and just play that file, it's not anyone's problem except the player's.

Originally Posted by j-rodd123 View Post
or maybe because some ppl just like playing along to a song they enjoy? Which is obviously the case since OP is trying to learn it on the piano. It was unnecessary to say, let ppl play what they want.

Good luck with the competition ipekili
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