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Old 10-22-2013, 12:02 AM   #9729
lol happy
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Default Re: League of Legends

What was your thought process behind the spellvamp item? It's definitely a viable pick on Anivia, I'm just curious. I have no idea who you were laning against lol

The MR from Athene's isn't amazing against their comp but that's fine because Athene's is more or less always good on Anivia.
(for the record, the sources of magic damage on their team were: Gangplank passive and ult, Poppy Q and E, Ashe ult, Thresh's abilities, and the Statikk Shivs)
Might have been a game for a Morellonomicon instead of Athene's for your CDR because Master Yi and Gangplank have substantial heals, along with four (!) summoner Heals... not to mention lifesteal on Ashe AND Thresh (lol)

Obviously you wanted boots at some point, generally you get them when the towers start to go down, standard stuff.

Sadly all we can really talk about from a screenshot is build, unless you explain a little more what went down.
But hey, in the end it's all good because you win :P

EDIT- Oh also if you don't go Rod of Ages early, it's generally not worth building, since it takes so long to ramp up to full effectiveness. If you forget about it early on, just keep going in your build. It's really good and pretty much always worth getting on Anivia but not the end of the world if you forget it (I'd argue the super-duper essential damage item is Liandry's, which you seem to have figured out. get it after you have your mana items sorted out and own people ez :P)

Last edited by hi19hi19; 10-22-2013 at 12:40 AM..
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