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Old 10-21-2013, 06:11 PM   #354
FFR Player
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 17
Default Re: How to get better at FFR

hi, i hope some1 reads this and responds eventually. Ive been playing this off and on since like 2005 and have just decided to become serious at it. When i first started i was doing 1 handed on the arrow keys like any1 new to this kind of game would do. Eventually when i got decent at the game i learned that i HAD to use 2 hands in order to do the harder songs. So i used 2 hands on the arrow keys and then learned that i should switch my controls to the keyboard so its easier to hit the keys. I didnt learn about this spread style until i had already developed my own style which is S,D,I,K. It's kind of like spread except its in the shape of the arrow keys. It goes like...

Left Middle finger(Left): S
Left Index finger(Down): D
Right Middle finger(Up): I
Right Index finger(Right): K

Now ive browsed through the forums for about an hour now and havent seen any1 use this type of style and im wondering if i will be able to be as good as FCing a song like Red Wings Over Baron with this method. The spread style is very awkward to me but im not terrible at it, its just a pain to get used to and ive already trained my right hand in the position that i use. Will i have to learn spread style if i ever hope to become the best at this game? Currently the best I do using my method is FCing CIA Rave.

Tl,Dr - Wondering if my style can compete with the all famous spread style. Thank you for reading and I hope that any vets can give me advice
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