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Old 10-4-2013, 03:13 PM   #13
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Default Re: Which is more important in life?

Originally Posted by MrPopadopalis25 View Post
If we're only speaking theoretically (ie you can be really smart/worldly but eternally poor or you can get really rich but never be able to increase your intellect) I'd probably choose the smarts. I'm very aware of this phenomenon but I think that I'd rather suffer my whole life but be able to leave something behind that contributes to the overall "betterment" of humanity over living a comfortable life that, once over, will become wholly irrelevant and eventually forgotten to all.
I actually have to agree with you on that one and it is exactly the point that I was trying to get across from choosing education over money. Having the ability to absorb insight on life and learning about the world and it's mysteries is much better than making lots of money by doing the same repetitive things over and over again. Money could probably make you happy for a short limited amount of time, but in the long run it still won't give you that sense of satisfaction that we as human beings are unonciously craving for. Intelligence and wisdom can provider deeper satisfactions because it keeps you more in tune with the aspect of life even if you won't leave a legacy behind because you'll still have that inner satisfaction. Although, and this is what gets me, without money then how will you be able to achieve that satisfaction?

Steal books? Infiltrate college classes? Scrounge for literature in the garbage bins? What means of access will you use to gain that knowledge? This is where money will need to come into play.
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