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Old 09-25-2013, 12:31 AM   #14
Tyson ultima
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Default Re: [20000 credit giveaway] Recommend your favourite anime series to moi

You didn't say 5 centimeter's per second pat. I am ashamed of you

Also time to whip out my elitist anime E-d1ck

Sometimes you will enjoy some REALLY terrible anime so I am going to post some here. Watch these with FFR and you will have a MUCH better time than watching something actually good.

Valvrave the liberator (or valvrape the liberaper)- Holy crap is this anime bad. It is literally about illuminati space pirates that pilot gundams and shit. When you watch each episode you think there is no way it can get worse, but believe it or not it does, but god are the threads amazing.

Guilty Crown- This anime pawns itself off with an anime that has plenty of potential which with designs by red juice and some nice production IG art you are right to be fooled. Then... well I am not going to spoil it for you but the threads for this anime are to DIE for. Shoe....

Oreshura (color wars)- It is well.. also pretty bad. Your going to like one girl and your friends are going to like other girls. Watching this will consist of arguments about how your girl is the best girl and that your friend can eat sh1t. looking at you chris.

kono naka ni imouto ga iru (maybe kono imouto or most call it nakaimo)- Man this anime is just wow. Chances are you are going to laugh at how frekin absurd some of the things are. Sometimes you will be routing for a girl and sometimes you will say this anime is so bad while routing simutaneously. There is one scene in particular....

Oniai (long ass title)- Younger sister likes older brother. Some plot twists boobs everywhere its p.bad

Campione- This is just an anime about kissing and gods and stuff. Literally the frekin guy breaks this girl's lip hymen like holy fak.


Highschool of the dead- I ended up watching this with Thai, Layne, and a friend when I visited toronto (mind you this is the second time I watched it.) Holy crabs this anime isn't so bad, but my god its hilarious. Like I know it wasn't trying to be funny but sometimes I just can't breathe watching it. It is recommended to watch it in English WITH OFFICIAL SUBS ON. for increased enjoyment..

Last edited by Tyson ultima; 09-25-2013 at 12:54 AM..
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