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Old 09-25-2013, 12:19 AM   #13
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Default Re: [20000 credit giveaway] Recommend your favourite anime series to moi

Originally Posted by Gundam-Dude View Post
mirai nikki has a strong first half but completely takes a nosedive into shit for the ending

elfen lied is pretty much you watch it for exploding bodies haha blood everywhere must be so good series right !!

samurai champloo is tight

accel world was total shit and was a waste of time jesus christ I want my time back

guilty crown is pretty much the most ground defying anime of the decade and that's not in a manner of light which can be passed off as acceptably good

eva might be an anime for it's time and decade but it's still over rated for its own good. still worth watching though

cowboy bebop is a classic

gurren lagann is the manliest anime you will ever watch srsly. you will go in as a prepubescent boy and finish the series as the next mr universe weightlifting champion

another you watch for the ridiculous death scenes

robotics;notes isn't up there with steins;gate god tier but at the very least it was better than the complete shit tier mess than was chaos;head. maybe a middle ground for both

fate/zero is god tier. fate/stay night was shit but this series ascended into the heavens and left fate/stay in a bottomless pit never to be seen again

angel beats is over rated and boring

toradora is also over rated but it has its moments which gives it a pass

welcome to the nhk is funny if you can relate to be an anti-social shut in protagonist

hidamari sketch is the kind of series you leave playing in the background while you're busy talking away about life with a couple of broskis after a few drinks and a long tiring day and you're ready to pass the fuck out. watching it seriously is completely out of the question unless you enjoy watching an underage girl bathe at the end of every episode talking about how her day was

afro samurai is okay but I'd rather watch samurai champloo instead

flcl is something you watch when you want to click the add new anime to completed list on your myanimelist without having to think what you managed to absorb and take in from it

serial experiments lain is weed. if you've never done drugs, this show pretty much simulates it. extra points if you watch this series while baked as fuc

gunslinger girl you only watch if you're the kind of guy that finds it cute when underaged girls kill people

higurashi insert another's reason here, although the ending of the second season completely took a 180 degree turn after climbing towards a climax. it's kinda like mirai nikki syndrome pretty much

madoka is over rated garbage fuck shaft. it's worth the watch but it is in no way a generation defining anime aka eva last generation

and I already said somewhere up top that chaos;head is a complete, total train wreckage of a series. the first few episodes started off as an interesting concept but again the second half takes a nose dive and frankly it becomes an unwatchable abomination
lmfao thanks for listing the shit ones so i'd avoid them. I've heard bad things about Chaos;head all the time so I wasn't gonna give that a try anyway. but I'm considering Robotic;Notes. downloading Cowboy Bebop, and Gurren Lagaan at the moment.
I have a dig bick.
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