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Old 09-11-2013, 04:31 AM   #8649
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Default Re: League of Legends

Originally Posted by hi19hi19 View Post
no dfg wat
i dont remember the last time i saw an ahri without dfg 0_o
I try not to get items like that strictly due to not remembering to use them all the time, also there are often times where I command the computer to drop ignite and it doesn't. I play with that in mind.

Originally Posted by mi40 View Post
chalice AND morello on ahri? what the fuck no wonder you're 247/274

why the fuck would you go void staff on ahri when she has true damage on her Q
1. I almost always go Kage's on my mids. It's something that makes up slightly for my lack of mechanics that I do not have the time to iron out at the moment.

2. Why not go void staff? It applies to the first part of her Q, and it applies to everything else. It applies to ALL her abilities in one way. That makes it worth it for that alone. That's like saying you don't get sorc boots on her as well, which we both know is silly.

3. My win / loss is not strictly based off my own skill. There are games where you just cannot save yourself from the stupidity of others. However, there are games where they cannot save themselves from you. I was still constantly below half mana pool even WITH those items. They where worth while buys given how I play.
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