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Old 09-9-2013, 08:53 AM   #1537
FFR Player
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Canberra, Australia
Age: 26
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Default Re: Team Blaze (Thread v2)

update my best AAA to 12 Bar Bloops pls

also not sure if I'm just at the D7 mark but here:

7/7 - Electro Rush x8 v2 - AAA
7/7 - Ultrasounds! - AAA
7/7 - Infinity [cosMo] - 2 or fewer
7/7 - Grand Galop Chromatique - 1 or fewer
7/7 - Canary Part V - 1 or fewer
7/7 - Betrayal - AAA
7/7 - Pandora - 1 or fewer
7/7 - Halcyon [xi] - AAA
7/7 - 12 Bar Bloops - 1 or fewer
7/8 - Phi-dentity Crisis - 4 or fewer
7/8 - grind2 - 4 or fewer
7/9 - Jamais Vu - 20 or fewer
7/9 - Rave7 - 20 or fewer
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