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Old 08-27-2013, 11:49 AM   #65
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Default Re: "Play/Test/Judge my simfile" thread V2

Originally Posted by ilikexd View Post
^ pretty cool overall, seems fairly well done

i would very very strongly recommending stepping a 320 kbps mp3 because it will really help you make out some of the complicated fast drum rhythms better (unless you did already and then cut it which is why it's 128 kbps). if you didnt a lot of these sections will probably be at least slightly off as they are very complex.
Yeah I cut it in Audacity since the ending leads to the next song and cuts off abruptly, and also has no sounds that make it necessary to extend it for the whole song. Also cut since this was originally an FFR submission, hence the holds not being perfectly pitch relevant. The original MP3 I used was 256kbps which I got off iTunes, though. Would people mind if the steps cut off from the end and the song ends abruptly like in the original?

At 39.670 and 40.281, there are 32nd rolls on the toms but I left those out since most people wouldn't notice.

the guitar is basically exactly 16ths so stepping them off by 192nd/96th makes it sound off on quite a few notes, but if you want to step them on 192nd intervals, for example 3.788 and 4.704 left arrows should actually 1/96th earlier (this one is very distinct) and in general just recheck the placement on these notes
Actually, the guitar 16ths that are off by a 192nd are to indicate a string slide. I could actually fix those so they go exact so they still set themselves apart from the quantized 16ths, though.

50.358s 32nd usage here is really suspect, might want to recheck what's going on here. i've stepped this before and listening to the high quality mp3 i dont think thats whats going on here. only this really stood out to me; looking through the whole file somewhat quickly i didnt really see anything that sounded far off.
Hmm, after changing the audio file to the original 256 kbps version, it doesn't actually sound that much different (though the overall sound quality is raised). If the snare hits weren't there, I would have made the 32nds a roll, but I was limited by the jumps being there. I removed the 32nds between the snare jumps

by the way fantastic graphics this is exactly what goes through my head when i listen to it (and i've listened to it a lot)
That was my reaction when Mollo sent me the gfx too lol

Originally Posted by Mollocephalus View Post
Tested the file, i'm glad i made gfx for it cause outside some small things it's really cool!

First of all, it seems to me that you are now experimenting with layering by being very rigid about it (not using much variation in patterns or switching to more natural combinations to help flow it better) but at this speed and density it's barely an issue.
Yeah, this was just what came out me experimenting with width theory (snare has no width, kick has 1 arrow width, misc. drums have 2 arrow width) but as you said, it doesn't really make the file a ton harder because of the speed.

I like how you synced with color notes and the only real mistake is during one of the most intense moments - i think you may have missed a couple drum kicks or some other beats. My main remark is how at the end, with the song getting more intense as the guitar begins to follow the melody, you left the chart structure completely unchanged. It feels lackuster and i wouldn't have minded more jumps in the end to accent that. Overall a solid file and something i'd definitely play again, especially with some slight changes and a final revision.
Are you talking about the short jumpstream near the end? If so, yes I left out some drums to accent there, mostly because having a dense jumpstream is a bit of a difficulty spike, but I see what you're saying about the intensity of the music. I agree the patterns need to be changed in the jumpstream though, it's basically 196 BPM 16ths.

Ha, nice score. My best is a 4 great FC.

Last edited by rCaliberGX; 08-27-2013 at 11:54 AM..
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