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Old 08-6-2013, 10:03 PM   #1826
FFR Simfile Author
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Default Re: The Fitness Thread

Everything I've read would suggest the side effects are only worth bothering about if you have a heart condition or high bloodpressure, which I don't; every other side effect is temporary, contingent on use of the drug. I've researched this, a little bit -- the side effects of coming off of it are mitigated by "PCT" or post-cycle therapy, which typically includes an anti-estrogen and an aromatase inhibitor.

The illegality doesn't bother me. Come on now -- the FFR community is a hub for the Stepmania sim community, which would not exist without piracy and is arguably founded on it. Anyone here who is scared of illegality categorically is living a serious contradiction.

If I took them, my motivation would be the same as my motivation for lifting natty -- the results.

But like I said, my biggest concern is that I have no way of knowing if what I'm getting is good. Fake tren, for example, is extremely common. I'd hate to inject scam substances into my system and waste money to boot.
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