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Old 06-22-2005, 12:55 AM   #50
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Originally Posted by msbrunnettemickey
These kind of things happen all the time. In splash mountain, there are no seat belts, and you have to go through 3 big waterfalls. There is a risk of flying out of you seat. I went on it, set in the first seat, and guess what? i survived.
Two people died on that ride, but you have to follow instructions, and not HOLD YOUR HANDS UP, while going down the waterfall.
If it was possible to fly out of that ride when you go down the waterfalls, they would have restraints. There hasn't been a time I've ridden Splash Mountain that I didn't have my hands way the heck up in the air, and I haven't so much as left my seat. The people who die on log flume rides are the ones who panic and try to escape.

Originally Posted by zildjian133
(#$% happens... One in six billion... Not too concerned...
That's a little cold. I understand what you mean, but still, it's a little boy dying at Disney World.

Anyways, my take is this. For one, height limits are so you can fit in the restraints. Weight limits would be useless because weight has little to do with what happens to you on a ride. Age is too variable: there are 80 year olds who could outrun, outlift, AND outsmart me, and there are 25 year olds who break something when they stub their toe on a doorframe. Things like excessively long hair should be a common sense thing.

This was a mistake. It wasn't Disney's fault, and it wasn't the mother's fault. Like zildjian said, shit happens. People get killed by the tons by getting struck by lightning, crossing the street, and staring at a computer monitor until their muscles are too weak to get them to food. Just about anything could kill you, and most of the time it's just dumb, crappy luck over anything else. If a ride crashed because of a faulty whatever and everybody was killed, it was Disney's fault. If the mother was presented with big, obvious signs that said "FOUR YEAR OLDS SHOULD NOT GO ON THIS RIDE", then it was her fault. I don't know how obvious or specific the warning signs were, but from my perspective, this was all an accident. We should all feel bad for the mother's loss, but this shouldn't serve as grounds to sue or rewrite legislature.
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