Thread: FFR Suggestions
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Old 07-10-2013, 02:51 PM   #2060
Rhythm is Magic
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Default Re: FFR Suggestions

I think saving scores for faster rates is not a good idea. While it generally takes a higher amount of skill to PA at higher rates, showing you have at least enough skill to get the same score on a slower rate, it is not the same as playing at normal rate. One reason for this is it would give people more opportunity to rush through songs for a quick FC, which could then lead to even more mashing for even more FCs. Especially on slower and/or longer songs that people do not want to wait through.

I dunno, not trying to come up with an arbitrary example to justify not allowing higher rate scores, just my two cents. AAA on higher rates may be harder to achieve, and therefore show more skill, but ultimately that is not the same as AAA on normal rate.

Originally Posted by psychoangel691 View Post
No matter what tournament you play it's likely you're going to come across something you don't like or are very bad at. If you want to get into the competitive side of FFR you need to learn how to deal with and overcome these songs/charts.
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