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Old 07-4-2013, 11:05 PM   #38
Snivy! Dohoho!
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Default Re: drizzleRomanceGirl's FFR Team Tournament

Let me put my thoughts in this, dohoho.

I understand why you don't want mirror and agreeably it does make some charts easier when you flip the entire song, HOWEVER it's not changing how the step artist intended it to flow.

This is why mirror records and why other mods in R^3, like scramble and random, do not. It's because those mods change the entire flow and breaks both what the step artist saw AND the flow that the step artist made.

However, this is your tournament and don't mind the lock on the mirror mod, it would make some charts trickier to nail (depending on what hand you're strong in). Just know this is why mirror records.

Originally Posted by JohnRedWolf87 View Post
Charu the red-nosed Snivy
Had a very shiny nose
And if you ever saw it
You could even say it glows

All of the other Snivies
Used to laugh and call him names
They never let poor Charu
Join in any Snivy games

(Click the arrow to see the rest)

Originally Posted by Vendetta21 View Post
All in all I would say that Charu not only won this game, his play made me reconsider how I play it.
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