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Old 07-4-2013, 02:51 AM   #7870
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Default Re: League of Legends

Originally Posted by TwistedPhoenix View Post
I've started getting into Dominion since it's a lot more evident just how important objectives are. Generally, people think that kills = wins, when it's turrets/inhibs = wins. Here, you have to be in control to win.

Who are the main champs that really shine here? I know that Kassadin is a big favorite, and Singed is pretty good, but generally people try picking those with speed boosts, especially ones that are AoE. Also, is Garrison worth taking?

Basically at high level of Dominion, you want your champ to have mobility.
Kassadin is absolutely 100% permaban no questions asked. Nidalee, Lulu, Kha'zix and Jayce all have amazing mobility with long poke and are really common picks. A lot of teams as you mentioned will try to get AoE speed boosts, that's another reason Jayce is so strong, on top of his ability to get multiple people off a point from safe range. Teemo is a goddamn terrorist with the damn shrooms everywhere (free ward ultimate is strong on a map with no wards) and can control the jungle like no other on top of nice mobility for backdooring etc.

The other champs on the top 10 banned are there because of their ability to dominate bottom lane, and/or easily defend an objective while outnumbered. The only one I've never really understood is Zyra, but a lot of people seem to pick her and do well. I guess it's the power of her plants to keep people off objectives combined with pretty good CC.

It's common to see a team run at least one Garrison, yeah. I guess think of it like Teleport on Summoner's Rift, you can get by with none, one is very useful, or you can run a lot of them and try to use them in concert to make plays for objectives. The downside of course being that your dueling/teamfighting is weaker because you have less combat summoners.

I honestly don't play too much Dominion myself but I watch a lot of dominatedominion, it's quite interesting to casually observe.

Last edited by hi19hi19; 07-4-2013 at 03:03 AM..
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