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Old 06-30-2013, 06:27 AM   #20
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Default Re: Cyber Bullying in 10 years

Originally Posted by igotrhythm View Post
The bold words are the words of a man who doesn't know/remember/care what it's like to be bullied. It's all the same, they've just gotten more sophisticated with how they're doing it. It's not just being shoved into lockers and having belongings snatched and held out of reach anymore.

Insert conspiracy guy meme here: What if the NSA's recently exposed spying was in fact a concerted effort to combat this form of harassment?
Actually, I was by far the most hated kid in my high school. I'm not exaggerating. As a sophomore, somehow someone spread around that I was a furry/all sorts of crazy shit, and my name was know by 75%~ of juniors and seniors and I became the punching bag of everyone in school. I was miserable for about a year, and I almost thought about...extreme retaliation... A couple of times. After a while though, I just became very strong in who I was as a person, and stopped letting the words or opinions of anyone else affect me. I was literally being called things as stupid as 'dragonfucker' out loud in class, but I honestly stopped giving a shit, because 1. I'm in a solid, stable relationship, 2. I had a full time job at 16, so I was able to start making a solid foundation for myself, 3. I am definitely physically attractive so I have no reason to have bad self esteem. 4. A supportive family that pushed me to succeed. A lot of the people making fun of me didn't have any of those things going for them, so at the end of the day, I had no reason to let everyone's shit get to me.
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