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Old 06-28-2013, 04:16 PM   #1643
Jerry DB
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Default Re: The Fitness Thread

Originally Posted by Senip View Post
It's hilarious that you think that most mma fighters (looking at the shit they have to do, the amount they eat, how they have to diet etc) aren't using if they're at the top. Roids don't make you suddenly jacked, its how you push yourself while on them. There's random drug testing, but there is in almost every other sport too, I'm sure they're just "random" enough that they can wean off them in time or get someone else's piss. Look at Lance Armstrong, for god's sake. he was tested constantly and came up clean, it wasn't until later that it came out that he was in fact not.

I would put out that most people who take roids and don't get stronger are either 1) eating like a jackass and not fueling their body or 2) getting bad drugs (all the sides, none of the benefits, woo!). Most of my friends at the gym who take it get such a power increase that it's really humbling to work out with them when they're on.

no offence but most of those points were not a counter argument to what I was saying and the ones that were show just how much of an mma fan you aren't. I'm not even trying to insult you by saying this but it's true, you're just a bodybuilder and you have a way of thinking if somebody doesn't do something your way or they aren't the biggest mother fucker out there it isn't worth your time and it's wrong. You're a tough looking dude for sure and it looks like you have come far with your progress so you obviously what your doing works, but when there are so many people at the top who try different routines/diets you can't say only you're way is the best way every time, especially when there are a ton of things still being done today to innovate the fitness world. This isn't true for everybody but the thing I hate about roids is the ego boost everybody I know gets from them. My friends who take them are constantly taking their shirts off JUST to show off constantly and literally only do things for attention and to brag themselves up. Instead of spending time learning a little more anatomy/biology/training they spend all their time thinking of how much of a tough guy they are even though they don't even practice fighting either. It's not like fighting should be enforced on everybody I'm not saying that, just if you're are going to act like you could beat everybody up maybe do what you talk about all the time instead of talking about it(although I'm also not trying to encourage people beating other people up lol). I agree with your points about steroids being effective, and my friends who do them are definitely idiots who train wrong/poor diet. This isn't my only point for why I don't use steroids, in fact if it was my major point that would be stupid because I wouldn't have to act like that and I know what I'm doing, I just don't take them.
I believe there have only been a handful of UFC fighters(not sure about other organizations) that have been caught, but I still know that yes, probably around half the guys in the ufc are using, but it really does have a pattern of ending more at the upper level. Maybe it's the confidence of already being at the top so you know you don't need an extra edge as much, but in most cases mma fighters are much more strict about steroid use.

The fact of the matter is mma is still a sport(regardless of stuff that's hard to prove) that is entirely reasonable to get to the top without roid use. Even if there is a guy I end up fighting on roids, it wouldn't matter too much to me because we are in the same weight class. Although I would rather have a more even playing field, there is nothing I would rather do then prove that spending 15-20 hours a week pushing myself will trump over someone on juice with the same genetics pushing themselves 6-8 hours a week. What if they worked just as hard as me and still take roids? Well the beauty in that is I can still win just the same, where as in bodybuilding we all know who would lose.
I really am not trying to insult you, you a determined guy and I respect you. You however were just born with better genetics then me and you could actually use juice to push yourself to the top of the bodybuilding world if done properly. For me I could never get to the top of the bodybuilding world even if I did do juice I would just be some guy on juice, doesn't sound like a good career for me. The chances of me making a career in mma is still VERY hard to achieve, but the payout is actually greater anyways and it's more achievable for me. Plus my interests are suited for fighting and I've been doing it for nearly 7 years off and on(mostly on). I agree roids are a huge edge in most cases of every sport. You still have to have a little faith in humanity though. I mean there are so many instances with genetics alone where somebody could do steroids properly and for a long time and a natural guy could still be stronger and look bigger, that's no secret. Doesn't mean any of them are at the top of any sport. Just as a small example though Reach looks actually more ripped then some ufc fighters and although he looks like a mesomorph to me, and I could be comparing him to some endomorph ufc fighters, he would still look like a ufc fighter regardless.
I know it's not all appearances and it's the strength and stamina boost that really matters, but technique trumps all of that and that is what fighting mostly is.
I'll stop for now since this is freaking huge for a forum post lmao, at least it's some activity right?

Last edited by Jerry DB; 06-28-2013 at 04:27 PM..
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