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Old 06-28-2013, 02:16 PM   #1642
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Default Re: The Fitness Thread

It's hilarious that you think that most mma fighters (looking at the shit they have to do, the amount they eat, how they have to diet etc) aren't using if they're at the top. Roids don't make you suddenly jacked, its how you push yourself while on them. There's random drug testing, but there is in almost every other sport too, I'm sure they're just "random" enough that they can wean off them in time or get someone else's piss. Look at Lance Armstrong, for god's sake. he was tested constantly and came up clean, it wasn't until later that it came out that he was in fact not.

I would put out that most people who take roids and don't get stronger are either 1) eating like a jackass and not fueling their body or 2) getting bad drugs (all the sides, none of the benefits, woo!). Most of my friends at the gym who take it get such a power increase that it's really humbling to work out with them when they're on.
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